(via fuckyeahsufjanstevens)
Gabriel Kahane - Slow Down
“Sufjan is a close friend of mine, and we’ve done various things together over the years. I first met him through Rob Moose, who’s currently a member of Bon Iver, but at the time was a recent alumnus of the Illinois tour. He had come to a couple of shows of mine and asked me to do one of his friends & family Christmas albums, which consisted of us sightreading hymns around the piano and then overdubbing wild improvised descants for several hours. Early the next year, when I was recording my first album, I thought there was a song that would benefit from his “magical fairy dust” (if you will), so I asked him to come over and record it and play guitar and sing. He and Rob and I sat around recording in my living room and ended up with “Slow Down” as it exists on my self-titled debut. More recently, I did string arrangements for the All Delighted People EP as well as for The Age of Adz. Sufjan is a great person, and a deeply inspiring artist to be around. I don’t think I know anyone who works as hard as he does.” - Gabriel Kahane